After a pretty idyllic three weeks, we're getting ready to leave Les Saintes (click on the picture for a slightly larger version). On Monday, with Vivian's help, Fay was able to check in and check out so now we're legal. Christian and Joesian departed yesterday, Liz and Ed departed today and Jean-Marc and Vivian will depart Saturday.
Today, with the help of Jean-Marc's hookah, I scrubbed the waterline to get rid of the grass growing on the shady side. Fay also used it to clean the hair off the shaft and prop, then verified the prop was opening and closing easily. We're stowing everything and generally cleaning up. Tomorrow we'll top up the batteries and the water tanks.
Saturday we'll depart for Los Roques, about 380 miles, roughly southwest. With E or ESE trades it should be a pretty quick trip. We're expecting a two day passage, plus or minus a few hours, so we should be settled in there on Monday.
We'll miss the fresh baguettes, pastries and friends we've enjoyed here. Les Saintes is a pretty sweet spot!