We've made progress on boat chores; though we're in no danger of exhausting the list. Our charging is still limping along until we get a new regulator but the sun is out so the solar is now making a nice contribution to our batteries.
We spent a few days in the West Hollandes, with Steve and Patty on Hanelei Moon, one of Fay's favorite anchorages. The first day or so was a bit rolly and we had to deploy our flopper stopper to smooth things out. The water was also a little churned up so the visibility was not quite as good as last year. But Fay got out the new Canon G12 into its underwater case and captured a picture of a Yellow Tail Damsel fish that we had not previously seen. She also spotted a nurse shark, lots of parrot fish, a turtle and she swears she saw the same colorful worm that she photographed last year!
Patty and Steve didn't like the roll at the West Hollandes so they moved to the East Hollendes and we followed the next day. We have a large reef behind us to the south and two islands with a large barrier reef behind them to the north. This is a really delightful anchorage (check the Where's New Morning page) with a nice steady breeze to keep us cool and absolutey no swell or roll, just a light wind ruffle on the water. Yesterday we explored the east end of the reef behind us. I saw a 2' sting ray launch at least 2-3' out of the water, and an assortment of reef fish. Fay saw an Indigo Hamlet which was also the first time we had seen that fish.
Two nights ago was blue cheese burgers and a nice California Merlot. Last night was fish tacos with the last of a mahi-mahi that Steve caught on his passage from Jamaica to Panama. Tonights dinner may come from a passing Kuna or the freezer, but I'm sure it will be tasty.
The Kindle has been bringing us the New York Times each day and The Economist each week so we read enough news to stay current. It's Sunday morning so Fay is going to enjoy the Sunday New York Times in the cockpit, where it's a little warmer than in New York City! Hope you have a wonderful day wherever you are.