Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Lobster again? There was lobster with butter and artisan bread. Then there was lobster risotto with a cucumber salad. Then there was leftover lobster risotto after the floating cocktail party.

What, you ask, is a floating cocktail party? Not the floating cocktail party as in moving from bar to bar, this was literally a floating cocktail party. I'm not sure who thought this up, but the idea is that rather than someone hosting cocktails on their boat, we just meet up in our dinghy's. At the appointed hour, about 5:15, we lashed up four dinghy's and let the wind blow them across the water; roughly in the direction of Columbia. There was rum and coke, beer, peanuts, cashews, lobster/artichoke dip, olives and all in all a pretty amazing set of snacks for a raft of dinghies! Floating and drifting as the rum and beer flowed, the laughs cascaded across the water and the big boats became smaller and smaller.

Eventually the sun set and New Morning was disappearing in the distance. Just the twinkle of Cosmos' anchor light as our guide (not the Cosmos, but Cosmos, the skipper of Kookla). We had our trusty 2hp outboard; Aaron had a 30hp outboard. Aaron towed us back to New Morning at an exhilarating speed while I wondered about the strength of our painter and the carabiner that attached us to the back of Aaron's dinghy; thinking that if it failed it would come flying our direction at a pretty spectacular rate. But it held and we were soon back to New Morning. And a dinner of more leftover lobster.