Saturday, April 2, 2011

Moving along

Another day of pleasant sailing as we make slow progress towards the Galapagos. From 1pm Thursday to 1pm Friday we progressed about 140nm. Better than yesterday and probably reasonable considering we're sailing close hauled, into a prevailing SW swell, against a .6kt current (which turned favorable for a few hours, then adverse again) and rarely see more than 10kts of wind. In any case the weather has been beautiful and the sailing very enjoyable. We'll get there eventually.

The sailing is so smooth that even though we are close hauled, a normally unpleasant point of sail, Fay baked cookies today! It was fish tacos and fresh chocolate chip cookies for dinner.

Shortly before dinner a pod of porpoises went by at high speed. They were traveling across our course. We saw the splashing pod a few hundred yards to port and within five minutes they were out of sight to starboard.

Today we were also visited by Betty Boobie. Fay's pretty sure it's a brown footed boobie, but it could be the fabled Galapagos blue footed boobie. Whatever it is, it landed on the anchor about 2:30pm and proceeded to preen it's feathers until dark. After three hours of preening Fay decided it was a female. I'm not sure about that, but we do think it might be an adolescent as the feathers on its head look very fuzzy and immature. It was on the anchor sprit at sunset, we'll see if she's there in the morning.