Thursday, March 31, 2011

Beating to the Galapagos

We came out of the ITCZ about 5am this morning. It was nice to leave the rain, lightning and high humidity behind. Or at least I hope it's behind. As I write this evening, lightning is flickering in the sky to the north.

Today was really delightful sailing though not very productive. The wind is coming from the Galapagos, as is an adverse current. So we're sailing hard on the wind in 5-10kts of true wind into about half a knot of current. In the last 12 hours we traveled 62 miles and got a nice rest. Fay served up a great mid-day dinner of spaghettini and meat balls, with freshly grated parmesan and some ciabatta that I made a couple of weeks ago that has been in the freezer. Mid-day dinner while sailing along on a sparkling sunny day with smooth seas and 7kts of breeze. That's about as pleasant as sailing hard on the wind at sea can be. As Fay wrote in the log - sublime.

But in the last 12 hrs we only made 38 miles towards the Galapagos which is a little too slow. The breeze has pickup to a steady 8-10 and faired us a bit so we're only about 10 degrees off course and we should do better in the next 12 hrs.

Tonight it's almost cool. I still have just a t-shirt and shorts, but Fay had long pants and a hoody before she went off watch. There is an almost full sky of stars and as we've reached 3 degrees south, the north star is no longer visible. Fay has made preparations for crossing the equator with suitable props, costume and script for King Neptune! But first we need to sail another few hundred miles.