Monday, May 23, 2011

Changing islands

We've been here on Tahuata for a week. We got our important boat chores done (lubricated winches and did an end-for-end swap of our main sheet) and had a lot of lazy time. We had some nice snorkeling where we saw trigger fish, moorish idols and Fay even saw one large black tip shark. We also spent time in the water cleaning up our water line, cutting off the grass that was growing, scrapping off the barnacles we collected on our passage, and generally scrubbing around the waterline.

We re-connected with some friends that we met in the Galapagos and spent time with two boats we've seen on and off since Panama but never actually met. And we generally rested up from the big passage. A very nice week overall and now it's time to move on.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) we'll leave at dawn and sail to Hakahau on Ua Pou, about 65 miles to the NE. We don't know how long we'll stay on Ua Pou. It's then a short 25 mile hop over to Taihae on Nuku Hiva, the capital of the Marquesas, when we're ready to move again.